News & Updates
TFA Signs Letter to President Trump Regarding EUDR Concerns
Candace Dinwiddie, TFA Executive Director
Minimizing Erosion on Harvest Sites by Revegetating Logging Roads, Skid Trails, and Landings
Minimizing Erosion on Harvest Sites by Revegetating Logging Roads, Skid Trails, and Landings
Hurricane Helene: Timber Damage Assessment for Tennessee
Timber damage update from the Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry
Understanding Carbon Credits for Your Forested Property
What you should know, anticipate, and evaluate to gain carbon credits.
The Economic Impact of Tennessee Forest Product Exports in 2023
Andrew Muhammad, Professor and Blasingame Chair of Excellence, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics R. Jamey Menard, Research Leader, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics David W. Hughes, Professor and Greever Endowed Chair, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Adam Taylor, Professor, School of Natural Resources
Wood Products Infrastructure Assistance Program
USDA Forest Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Fiscal Year Overview
Forest Industry-Related Grants
Overview by Tennessee Department of Agriculture Business Center
Oak Regeneration Practices
Wayne K. Clatterbuck, Professor, Silviculture and Forest Management, School of Natural Resources, University of Tennessee
Stephen E. Peairs, Assistant Professor, Silviculture and Forest Management, School of Natural Resources, University of Tennessee