Workforce Development
Tennessee ForestryWorks® is a part of the multi-state ForestryWorks® program that's mission is to create a sustainable pipeline of workers for the forest industry for generations to come through education, career promotion and training.
Educating. Training. Promoting.

The Tennessee Wood Products industry needs workers to fill jobs in the mills and woods. We partner with the TN Dept. of Agriculture to initiate programs in primary and secondary schools as well as vocational schools across the Volunteer State to encourage young Tennesseans to look towards a career in our industry. Jobs are available immediately with most of our wood products industry located in rural parts of our state.
Estimated Starting Salary Levels for TN Wood Products Industry
Forester - $55,000 - $65,000
Loader operator - $35,000 - $45,000
Electrician / millwright - $50,000 - $65,000
Log truck driver - $40,000 - $45,000
Lumber stacker - $30,000 - $35,000
Head sawyer - $55,000 - $65,000
Skilled labor (edger, end trimmer, ect) - $40,000 - $45,000
Lumber grader - $55,000 - $65,000
Log buyer - $55,000 - $60,000
Logging: $17-$23.00 per hour for crew members; Log Truck Drivers, $20.00 per hour
The mission of the program is to equip the student with a background of knowledge and skills in the use of equipment and maintenance/repair procedures utilized in the Forestry and Agricultural industry. The skilled student would be able to gain an entry position into the forestry and agricultural industry. The program would provide technical instruction and skill development for the student to become knowledgeable as a forestry worker, agricultural technician or operator of equipment. This course is to provide trainees with a thorough understanding of the methods of forest product, harvesting timber, protecting forests, agriculture, agri-business, soil science, basic electricity, maintenance and repairing machinery equipment, welding, basic sawmill operation and heavy equipment operation. Training would also include safety of equipment and equipment operation and specifications
TN College of Applied Technology Crump
The Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology serve as the premier suppliers of workforce development throughout the State of Tennessee. The Colleges fulfill their mission by:
Providing competency-based training through superior quality, traditional and distance learning instruction methods that qualify completers for employment and job advancement;
Contributing to the economic and community development of the communities served by training and retraining employed workers;
Ensuring that programs and services are economical and accessible to all residents of Tennessee; and
Building relationships of trust with community, business, and industry leaders to supply highly skilled workers in areas of need.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forestryworks
Instagram: www.instagram.com/forestryworks/
Get certified as a forest worker
Forest Worker Certification teaches students foundational knowledge about TN forests and the forest industry that is integral to keeping those forests healthy and productive. Students will learn about the variety of forest products industries, how to determine wood volume, how to harvest wood products, and how to grow and manage forests.