It began more than 50 years ago under the name of
"Keep Tennessee Green"
Tennessee Forestry Association
The Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) serves as "The Voice of Forestry" in Tennessee.
TFA is a private, non-profit organization primarily funded through membership dues.
It began more than 50 years ago under the name of "Keep Tennessee Green" and was organized to assist in reducing the tremendous toll taken by forest fires each year throughout the state.
TFA continues to work with state and national government agencies to promote a better understanding and appreciation of the forests of Tennessee through a diversity of public relations, government, and educational programs.
Working Together
TFA works in many different ways to promote a public climate conducive to the development and wise use of Tennessee's forest resources for the maximum benefit to the people of Tennessee.
Through the sponsorship of programs such as Project Learning Tree and the Tree Farm Program, the TFA staff and its members work to insure the future availability, use, and quality of these vital natural resources for it is diversified and its members range from landowners, loggers, sawmills, paper mills, professional foresters, equipment dealers, trucking companies and other transporters of wood products to supporting business members such as banks and various suppliers.
Through this diversity, each segment of the state's wood industry is represented and is able to play a vital role in the association's continued success, citizens today and for generations to come.
TFA activities include working with legislators to assure that the forest industry and our members are represented when issues arise that affect on both the local and state level. The promotion of wise-use practices and sound, sustainable forestry continues to be high priorities through the support of Best Management Practices (BMPs).

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