TFA Signs Letter to President Trump Regarding EUDR Concerns

TFA joined with numerous state and national forestry organizations signing a letter to President Donald Trump urging the Administration to engage with European government counterparts regarding the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Supply Chains (EUDR).  The EUDR will restrict U.S. forest product access to European markets beginning in December, 2025.

Click here to view the letter

 The letter listed concerns of the U.S. forest products producers including the unnecessarily strict geolocation and traceability requirements, requiring industry to provide coordinates for all plots of land from which a product shipment was sourced.   The letter urges President Trump and his U.S. trade advisors to include EUDR on the list of items to negotiate with the European Union.  The U.S. is a global leader in managing forest resources and must be recognized as not contributing to deforestation, or unjustifiably subject to a compliance burden that weakens the U.S. forest product producers access to EU markets.

TFA also thanks TN Dept. of Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Charles Hatcher for joining 17 other State Dept. of Agriculture Commissioners signing a letter to Administration Officials explaining the potential negative implications of the EUDR.  The Ag Commissioners asked the Administration to convey strong opposition to the EUDR rule, while seeking to protect private property rights, clarify requirements, exempt low risk designation countries with sustainably managed properties and demand a global economic impact analysis. 

Click here to view the letter.


2024 TFA Forestry Impact Report