What does Tree Farm Offer
The Knowledge that you are managing your forest sustainably, as a good steward of the land.
Becoming educated about forests, one of the world’s most important ecological resources (soil conservation, improvement of air quality, biodiversity, wildlife protection, etc.), so you can help spread the word about the importance of good forest stewardship.
Stopping or slowing the fragmentation and development of Tennessee’s forests.
Helping protect and promote good forestry operations, the working forest concept, and the ability of forestland owners in Tennessee to conduct business and enjoy their land without stifling rules and nuisance regulations.
Ability to market products from your woodlands as SFI and PEFC certified.
Access to information at the federal, state, and local level on markets, trends, legislation, tax issues, forest insects, diseases, wildlife issues, and other forest impacts and opportunities, such as ATV’s, eco-tourism, and trails.
Access to forest experts in the program to assist in managing your forest.
Access to the annual National Convention, an incredible source of new ideas, information on the practice of forestry in other regions of the US, and lessons learned on problems facing other forest landowners.
The right to display the Tree Farm sign, and certificate of membership.
Participation in the state Tree Farmer of the Year event in Tennessee.