Master Logger Continuing Education
Continuing Education 1-day Training Session
Master loggers are required to attend and participate in a 1-day, 8-hour continuing education session every two years to maintain their Master logger designation.
The continuing education day is conducted in 3 subsessions.
Session 1
Review of BMPs, BMP compliance and water quality standards associated with timber harvesting. Discussion and updates of emerging technologies, legislation, information, or other concerns that affect logging professionals. A few examples might include quarantines associated with emerald ash borer and thousand canker disease of walnut; biomass harvesting guidelines; logger certification and chain of custody, how carbon credits work, etc. (2 hours)
Session 2
Review of safety standards associated with logging, PPE, and trucking. New or potential safety regulations are discussed that can impact logging professionals. At least one prominent safety issue associated with logging will be highlighted and emphasized during the training. (2 hours)
Session 3
Instruction on various subjects that influence how loggers operate and conduct business. These subjects probably will be different in each area of the state depending on logger and industry input, instructional needs and current events in that location. A field component/exercise is usually part of the instruction. A few of the subjects that have been previously conducted or where new curriculum is being developed are as follows: visual impacts of harvesting, conducting forest inventories/cruising, controlling invasive species, advanced silviculture, advanced BMPs (water control structures), certification and chain of custody, GPS for loggers, logging cost analysis, developing harvest plans, encountering T&E species and protection of unique areas, biomass harvesting, improving existing roads and water crossing options, log merchantability and bucking, and log grading. (4 hours)