
As part of the new SFI 2022 standards, Conservation of Biodiversity and Forests of Exceptional Conservation Value (FECV) have become focal points in the new standard.  SFI certified organizations have been supporting the conservation of biodiversity since their initial certification to the Fiber Sourcing Standard.  However, the new 2022 standard has introduced new requirements and approaches to help promote and conserve biodiversity and Forests of Exceptional Value (FECVs).  An effort has been made to gather and analyze data across the entire state of Tennessee related to the location of known imperiled (G2) and critically imperiled (G1) species and ecological communities, which define FECVs.  To promote awareness of biodiversity and FECVs to the public, the information that has been collected regarding G1 and G2 species in Tennessee is being made available on TFAs website.